Its from the last Conan - Zero Efforcer

Its a case that to get the father of the girl's - the private detective a clear. All over the world, the electric appliance got exploded, heated, or targeted.

We have this global warming scenario to like, when my dad left here to China. 廈門, I personally don't know.....about in 30 years since that time, I live here, we used to turn on the air con at 28 c, now its 35, the bill is high. This is not going to last another 20 years.  Not to imagine any other countries south than us. You have something fallen from the sky, that is artificial satellite?! I don't remember all the movie. Its a part of the Conan Detective.

Its the movie: Barbie. The newest movie coming out in America. They advertise in CNN.

A British English house means a Flat. Like her flat feet. You have one of those bungalow concept in America. Not semi-deattached, not condomedian, not 2 floors up. 1 or 1 + a basement. Underground. 
