♫♫♫ Arabic Night ♫♫♫

One for the adult

One is for the Little kids Little Monks. (中國小鬼小河尚)

天方夜譚 (一千零一夜)

3:50 I gulp. 咽到了! 嚈 ~

鳥的都知道 Even the birds know that. 後 ...

Lyrics 一千零一夜

If you see the top left....drawing. 


You are the most shining dreams.

Brighten up my darkness sky.

That is a destiny, and also Love ( bf /gf)

Its me one time after another time, heart touched.

One person its also nice.

Its only laughter less.

Don't want to be bothered by anyone.

But desired to be loved and hugged by. 

I run away from your goodness. 

Afraid the future, I cannot acquire. 

More so, I afraid I cannot forget.  (Annotation: The concentrated Hate)How 0:40

Your walking towards the smile

Just like the sunlight bright up


The Lover's words saying to the Ears.

How to let the Eyes to be enchanted (on Loved) = Flower Thousand Bone Failing 3 ponds water tests.

0:59 Seeing so many passing scenery. Not even one lie from you, memorizing (enchanting)

You are the most shining dreams.

Brighten up my darkness sky.

That is a destiny, and also Love ( bf /gf)

Its one last time each other carass (hugs goodbye)

The words are not from the heart, still, needs to bring with the smile, heart pain. (1:32)

One person its also nice.

Its only laughter less.

Don't want to be bothered by anyone.

But desired to be loved and hugged by. 

I run away from your goodness. 

Afraid the future, I cannot acquire. 

More so, I afraid I cannot forget.  (Annotation: The concentrated Hate)How 0:40

Your walking towards the smile

Just like the sunlight bright up

The Lover's words saying to the Ears.

How to let the Eyes to be enchanted (on Loved) 

Seeing so many passing scenery. Not even one lie from you, memorizing (enchanting)

You are the most shining dreams.

Brighten up my darkness sky.

That is a destiny, and also Love ( bf /gf)

Its one last time each other carass (hugs goodbye)

The words are not from the heart, still, needs to bring with the smile, heart pain



Time only responsible for the flowing, its not responsible for the human to grow.

Fallen in Love to the sky height ground long, Its just one time misunderstanding.

The Lover's words saying to the Ears.

How to let the Eyes to be enchanted (on Loved) = Flower Thousand Bone Failing 3 ponds water tests.

Seeing so many passing scenery. Not even one lie from you, memorizing (enchanting)

You are the most shining dreams.

Brighten up my darkness sky.

That is a destiny, and also Love ( bf /gf)

Its me one time after another time, heart touched.

The words are not from the heart, still, needs to bring with the smile, heart pain. (1:32)

Love, it takes how many years passing, then understand.

Dream Exchange Games

白虎 西廊國

※未在本作中登場的角色請參照夢幻遊戲 白虎仙記

大杉鈴乃大杉鈴乃(おおすぎ すずの)
聲 - 中澤綠 / 台灣:王中璇 / 香港:曾佩儀
婁宿 / 卡撒魯・周聶婁宿(たたら) / カサル・ツォニェ
聲 - 山野井仁 / 電玩:楠田敏之日語楠田敏之 / 台灣:官志宏 / 香港:劉昭文
字 - 在右手手背上的「婁」字
生日 - 3月21日出生(白羊座)、血型 - A型
昴宿 / 道玲・哈姆昴宿(すばる) / ドゥリン・ハム
聲 - 土井美加 / 台灣:呂佩玉 / 香港:羅嘉玲
字 - 在左乳上的「昴」字
生日 - 5月1日生(金牛座)、血型 - O型
奎宿 / 蘭拔・哈姆奎宿(とかき) / ランヴァ・ハム
聲 - 石井康嗣(年老期)、志賀克也(年輕期) / 台灣:孫中台 / 香港:陳旭明
字 - 在左頰的「奎」字
生日 - 11月11日出生(天蠍座)、血型 - B型
聲 - 中澤綠/ 香港:曾佩儀

That fat women husband old couples, can control Time, when the Red Birds Pheonix coming to this West Coridor Country to Looking for the White Tiger Seat Treasure, they use that power to return their old to child age, to their 17 years old body. Assisting them to stop the evoking of the Green/Blue Dragon.

