Editing the music, let's say the New Generation the online e-commence Era

One of the things a lot of the youth spending the time to do, its the very expensive camera + the lighting + the editing software. I use my PC that equip. Its from Microsoft. I used to do that, and I think a lot of the people trying from the beginning. Not everyone successful.

Westlife - Beautiful Tonight.

They have another "Tonight" MV. 

So I tell you what to do with this, because I except their fragment to sing at. Its from their video here 0:55 starting, I probably trying to tell you not to scare to blow up your air from the internal, that is why I am doing that. You don't need a full song, just starting something "you capable" to go along inside your room.



My audio: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tHQaxH-eiiKWXxE7hZYjQdluTHeR5D3a/view

My audio here you need to click first, and so you gonna hear me click on my side of the monitor at 0:55. So I try

Your original MV at 0:56

What you do its the moment you click my audio "play", you go to the next tab of the original MV at 0:56, see if you can overlap this.

Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/100073731657370/videos/228993376768187

The original link reply for this: https://194un003.blogspot.com/2023/07/how-to-sing-that-song-you-mean-tooooo.html

You can half tuning it down that (0:56 Westlife original concert video), yeah its about a second you hear from my audio, the moment you hear the click from my PC mouse, you count one second in your mind, to where that second video to click start (at 0:56)

Dance (mute)


I have something to add, what is this ...Its Friday night here, but just American morning Friday. That makes so much difference why I don't have a life. Right, no, not about that. I think the Hunger Game/ Catching Fire its on Anatomy & Physiology kinds, so its not on the music this way. The Hunger Game 74 at England King Charles.

Trump and Biden in American last 2 President. And Supreme Master Ching Hai, my dad, and Horse President all born in 1950. All from Taiwan, so its limited to this small tiny island I guess. I am just too exhausted since 2013 (mentor before the Hunger Game 74, it was 1943 Tesla Death).

WE, or I just happen to step on this Anatomy & Physiology but I got some other problems, for sure it is probably being process and clear away. Its American Medical Board won ! The lawsuit.

Pinterest - Painting, I remember now.

What I supposed to add this morning: https://www.pinterest.com/annajao2017/painting/
