Taiwan Local Folk Tale ( Theater, Drama, Ancient Oral Teaching)

In the standing of all your military might have heard of something called 5 Lords Reviews, this called the fallen paper statue or the Telepathy fallen in the Lords of Rings to that Fire Lords, are mentioned and compared.

Therefore, you will be going back to this theater or drama to when the Era never seen the electricity in the communication format will be on bamboo, or on parchment paper, or paper. They use ink, or carving at.

To those day, you have a literacy passing it down, in the real official writing, those are known as the Ancient Chinese, might be just save the ink. Very much formal talking with the correct order.

Then in the temple side, it might be how people grow up with the religious belief, these legand and myth becoming the folktale culture, and therefore, that generation people love the theater and drama or just be in front of the temple to where all this things being seen at, it is a popular trend.

If you will be selecting some tradition to the local Ancient Chinese categories including Square's theater and drama side, you have to know the ancient poem formats, songs sound like, and zither or the music instrument selection to that the Music training academia, it will be the 2 Western modern instrument beside, you will pick or play around the Chinese instrument of the past and ancient.  

Do they have a meaning or to catch up the modern culture. I personally don't know.

They are known as the Idol Gods, or the diety format. Well...how you define those are evil in the Bible? Those will be pagan you mean saying. These should not be label as the pagan. At least when I first learning that in the Bible, that is not how I understand it. 

In the celestial world how the Ancient Chinese myth and legend, it will be similar to that Greek legand and myth, and you don't call them the pagan. No. 

