Lawsuit - how to approach this subject

Why don't you say if Biden doesn't do this....You will end?

You want me to tell you how to write this?  

You write it on your own....

Lawsuit on the High Tech

You say the is.

Tesla has a biography. His tag words will be, death Will, FBI. Industrialists.

Meaning among his Era, its all the you need to know the entire bracket of the industrialists. Beside all those other known theory 1920 on in your textbook. Edison will be most known, to that several near by are very known and popular. Including your New York Upper Class.

You get rid of all the New Age every Psychi says. Only on Tesla, and that biography has a Venus.

SMCH has a Venus word

And this ē¬‘å‚²ę±Ÿę¹–  so so so so so so important to the entire China, Asian culture. SOSSOSOSOSSOSO important.

That forest are Tesla upper (Ocean Frank, and somewhere Francis)

With Me = to that Bsbaji or Krishina, ę±ę–¹äøę•—

These are the materials you stick to, you saying you will NEVER going back to before the TV were made, those black and white Era. This entire civilization has to gear up up up up on the every Appliance Westinghouse start, to the Brand New Kitchen, House utlity, or Home entertainment unit, to that every High Tech, every household, here you go.

So the only term you ever heard about High Tech and cruelty, will be Venus. 4 in SMCH.

On the Map Earth this Taiwan puts in the middle, right now you have all the System dating monitor has nothing but pointing routes right to the Taiwan.

You cite all these to the Court, and contact behind.

I will just tell you, go to Venus (including that 98 degree attached to the Marriah Carrie)

Nothing else. Not Sirius, that is 7 sister? oh check the moon issue like you have a brain on the women's cycle supersticious.

Just listen to Riley me only gear toward high tech, even if you get rid of Babaji, because you will never sure what he is. You get to the high tech, you improve the poverty, you improve the hygenic, you improve the happiness, you improve the real love....

One day that spirituality will come alone.

You wish the wellness for the entire humanity, to not in hunger, not in disease, not in sickness, old, or ugly, to spit to each other. Meaning the manner, the nobility, the language speaking to each other, to sound like music to the ear.

You keep all that.

