It has always been targeting to the girls. You are by far the worsen to that number in the end of every Dynasty or the World end results, the Female Prison Inmate

Female Prison Inmate

Do you know that is a proper professional term? You want to go to the Prison system how to volunteer yourself to see it yourself.

The public hygenic is by far the worse. The guys they work their 4 limbs, because they have no brain, so at least they shower when they get home, becasue of that jobs required to shower. 

I take a shower every term coming from the external world to my indoor decoration. You have a lot of issue, the sooner you take off, I don't think very far you will be sentence to jail, really. Just by the public hygenic, low income, wishing everyone together die together.

The suicidal rate for the girl number 1: Romance Game

The guys number 1: on Money

Gamble your way out of the Life.
