♫♫♫ There are 3 video on my singing recently to do with my UB Facebook Friends. University at Buffalo. ♫♫♫

We used to have this facebook starting in our School year, like we were freshman or sophomore. And because its a honor class /Honor program, they say something, we were all pre-pharmacy, pre-med, and today its 20 years later from so long ago, right now Its August 16th 2022.

I didn't realize people have a plan to adding their facebook to be honest. First, that time my English is Greek zone. I just arrive in America. I cannot speak a right thing, but we were in the same classroom. I add a lot of them from the same program.

We have some issues, its not everything just made flawless, so it makes more personal after I lecture them on a System 4+1, we are 6+1 on those indicator lights on, like the Movie: In Time, I have no idea where they end up really. They are not the infomatics students....

If you are interested, I have those diagram I draw to look like the system ways to reading a data situation on my Pinterest

Its : YourFormulaSheet, it was my organic chemistry Channel site in 2007.

Organic Chemistry its about sophomore or junior class, more heavier than the general chemistry. They might be all using my own video, I don't even know that.  I done that channel after I admit into the UB Master program for the Librarian Science and Informatics

They stole a lot of my music links from my facebook, now I know. I used to don't know. So if I get those links back, I will add it here in the future days.
