The Barbie World

In my Era without the Hippi, we have the Barbie World, not the toy Barbie. The music Gerne. Imagine, if my school mates girls of, one of those State human, lacking money growing up American, unlike any of you....soo well money oriented on Drugs to make a huge drama on the television screen, the end, you are just only desparate and motivated to our collective efforts works, on their own money, maybe if you are bribing them right now, before I done anything, they might say yes? 

Certainly its after we rehearsal, you try the third time Public rage, unsemble Solo? 

Whom I train, its when I have my money, I delicate to that cause, for any reason, I just say UB their education are fine, they select their students, and they working on it. You could just take your own edudational institutional, to say....Vola Heights on...without Middle School, anyway.
