Testing IT Department

Text line 1

Text line 2

Why is this template 標頭是在標題的下面?

Can anyone re-do this I Ching I say buttom to Top things including the Pinterest, I really feel the different from the buttom to Top 從下面往上面就像 Pinterest uploading image




你們不能反過來嗎 ? 

Okay I got it, when you say Post, you mean the front page, that first array things all the way vertical down if you have 10 post. So why don't you say, you starting the 3rds, to find all the color font, you starting listing the beginning 1 and 2?

What are these anyway? I cannot see a thing changed.



Never minds, when I finish design the content of the website, I figure it out where all these things elements supposes to lay, really. I have these Chinese I cannot understand "What to Explain Text", which parts of these words, at the ending? 

I am doing the exaggerating font changing, so I knew where you "define" of every words says on these layout basic 101? Where are these fonts to, or on, or what color, whichever I input these numbers almost all about the same? Those human sights are blind....really not just the Ms Word default word fonting issues......



I cannot understand it, why these post getting longer and longer on the primary first page, the home page? When you say Post, you mean the mobile seeing the short hands "Explain words"?  These things are written in Chinese really. 

I gonna do the second post, how you line up every 3 posts.





