I heard many boy groups in French, this is not Korean groups. Just us Taiwan small tiny island their famous groups.

Hebe she is from SHE. Those are 3 girls band from local Taiwan. They used to be famous. I don't know I left here like 25 years ago things on the Television or when I was in UB. I sometimes reading their Yahoo.com.tw news. I start those printer resolution learning the IT page, I would get the news on their subject heading and learn words in this IT department. like 25 years ago, in the 90s.

Tina is flute, and Pang is violin. Oh ~  I don't need this much groups, where I use the Cello that is enough to put small string orchestra small gathering groups like I used to do in the middle school. 


This, I think they are from China boy bands. I know the thumbnails are the girls. No, its a group of the guys, they put it together and sing. Tina would remember her own Flute Teacher. When you do the music seriously, there are discipline and strict rules you follows those very expensive music teachers taught you at your own private lessons.

TV: 微微一笑很傾城

Target: My brother to this one girl in the roller blades 2017 competition on your very left. Yeah, I do those roller blades, but more of  I travel for my own purpose, stop and accelerate, and STOP? They are more of the street dance groups. I had joined within the high school club system, for a performance with the near by same school standing they guys they of course excellent much more.



They are saying there are 13 participants.

湖南長沙 X6, the ending songs its Adam Levine (Maroon 5) 


What do I usually do beside those Ice Skating (the Figure Skate theme in the comic books, 溜冰天使) - these comic books now are free in Chinese language, that is the same author of that Sailor Moon original painters series.

I actually don't ice skate. Taiwan we used to have one ice Wet Rink, dim lights. You fall, you are water ice cold leaving in this air con blow air dry cold breeze icy room.

Well, we have a forest park on this metro lines. I circle the rink, and forward to turn the backwards. That's it. My grown up had this 4 rollers in square align, but then one day we had a straight roller blades, so I travel home on the traffic small lanes, avenue no one or the car usually been there. Now they are forbidden, but I done it once for....those to follow. I found out the laws on the Internet.

When I land in University of Kentucky, short name for UK. Their one Billion dollar new library, were not just in everyone gossip, I travel from my international dorm, through the hill stairs up, big stairs, to cross that you always hear the nights, its not for walking for being attacks, so I travel fast, and get home with the textbook or the bags. Kentucky don't snow like 5 lakes UB were. A lot more mild weather.

Its electric book shelf, like you imagine the Harry Potter books moving? Stairs? Yeah....if you become a librarian like me eventually in your mind diagram how those layouts to be?

My undergraduate: Chemistry B.A (minor Medicinal Chem, missing one more class)

Pre-Pharmacy, PCAT score last would be 15+ 25+ Bio: 62 percentile, Math and Chem: 92 and 97 percentile. English was greek to me.

Graduate School, MLS, missing one science class, to be the Science Librarian (than just the public librarian) - the reason I have to be this much frank to say, there are those meant the National in Slam Dunk, of this .....I knocking whom's head, or in the short language to say, what I owe or not own to the 3 points lines, its to when I finish my degree? And added on more degrees. 





The most known match competitors are Shando and Rukawa. 

11th grade vs 10th grades. 高二 跟 高一 ! 

They do tell you each of this player's height, and their position. Rukawa was the middle school near the school, so he goes there, not by the coach. Its by the distant to how he enter that school, and his positions, its all Play.
